The Genders' Bazaar


video dance | 28'| 2014


direction Aliénor Vallet

choreography Isabelle Maurel

with Isabelle Maurel, Boris Ganga Bouetoumoussa, Andréa Semo, Louis Nam Le Van Ho, Séréna Favre

music Miguel Arcos

production Free Dance Song/Comité des Métallos




"At the Genders’ Bazaar, we smooth out, we repair, we regender" explains the manager while inviting you to visit it. Thanks to its original recycling system of identities, you will find how to revitalize yourself, like a fish to water.





festivals / exhibitions

2024 Atelier Polska (Paris)

2017 La Semaine FLOUE, Génie de la Bastille Gallery (Paris)

2016 La Semaine FLOUE, Génie de la Bastille Gallery (Paris)

2015 Parcours Filles-Femmes, MJC Mercoeur (Paris)

2014  Mostra international de videodança, UFSCar, São Carlos (Brazil) | Les Irrécupérables, Au Fond du Jardin (Paris)



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© Aliénor Vallet 2017