Rumba Operation


musical theater Dieudonné Niangouna | 2025


video Aliénor Vallet

text, direction, scenography Dieudonné Niangouna

music Pierre Lambla, Rodriguez Vangama

with Marie-Charlotte Biais, Clara Chabalier, Daddy Kamono, Diariètou Keita, Mixiana Laba, Ornella Mamba, Mathieu Montanier, Pepita Mpuhwe, Criss Niangouna, Dieudonné Niangouna

Chorégraphie Stella Keys Ladys

Lights Laurent Vergnaud

production Cie Les Bruits de la Ruecoproduction TAP-Scène Nationale de Grand Poitiers, Théâtre de Saint-Quentin en Yvelines






Two brothers seek their destiny in the quest for origins through an epic and musical journey bordered by landscapes, rhythms and stories both sparkling and piquant. Thus, a voice is woven over the course of meetings that takes them to their dream goal in the company of a saga of whimsical and crazy characters between fiction and reality, between myths and sections of history, between anecdotes taken from popular songs and political pain: historical truths. It is a palette rich in emotions that would be against all expectations the discovery of the deep reasons for rumba.






2025 TAP-Scène Nationale de Grand Poitiers | Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne (Suisse) | Les Passerelles, Pontault-Combault



© Aliénor Vallet