artist statement





My approach is an extension of my studies in Humanities and social sciences and is fed off my encounters and collaborations with artists from all walks of life. I use the writing of moving images and performance to experience the blurred boundary between reality and fiction (or visible and invisible) and the ambiguous word-image relationship, proposing a reflection on the human in its relation to the world. Exploring the themes of metamorphosis and wandering with the help of the figure of the double and the multiple and of games of projections and simultaneities, my works play with the strangeness of bodies, landscapes, sounds to try to grasp the elusive.


Creation Process


Since my first works, I have experimented with the silver photographic material to question this intangible and fleeting thing that is the Real, seeking in the capture of the frozen moment and the blurring of movement the inaccessible to the human eye, or using the technical process of film printing to bring out apparitions. With digital video, while continuing to carry out in post-production a plastic work of transformation of the real filmed, I explored the trail of surreal writing by assembling images layers of images and combining strata of meaning. Deconstructing, diverting, recomposing, reinterpreting the real allows me to unveil imaginary potentialities, to reveal poetic dimensions beyond the real, to unmask the invisible violence also. The body and the architecture are recurring motifs of this work about the real as a vector of ethical, social and political resonances.

My creative work also revisits the fictional narrative through the challenges of adaptation and translation. Borrowings from literature nourish my work based on the transposition and transcription of writing in filmic language.  The video tool allows me to experiment at the same time visual, sound and language. Dream and poetry are the recurring processes of this video rewriting that gives rise to recontextualized works questioning today’s world.

In my creative procedure, the performative dimension is very present and involves the implementation of adapted filmic display. I put myself on stage to «inhabit» the landscape or for role-playing games, which allows me to play personally with the figure of double and multiple.

My works borrow from different registers, experimental film, essay, video art, video dance... to deploy the themes that obsess me: metamorphosis and wandering. My formal and conceptual work also incorporates the dramatic possibilities of staging that allow me to extensively invest the field of mental and symbolic projections and temporal and spatial simultaneities in works conceived as installations multiscreen (diptychs) or creations of spatial video display participating in dramaturgic writing and that are commissioned to me for dance or theatre shows.








screenings & exhibitions




- Atelier Polska (Paris)


- online Peace Letters Marathon 14


- Rencontres Chorégraphiques Tendances, CCFN Jean Rouch, Niamey (Niger)

- Nuit Blanche "Rêves et cauchemars éveillés", CCFN Jean Rouch, Niamey (Niger)

- online Peace Letters Marathon 11

- Côte à côte avec Dido, CCFN Jean Rouch, Niamey (Niger)


- Cinémathèque temporaire du CJC, Mains d’Oeuvres, St-Ouen

- Nuit Blanche "Regards masqués-regards croisés", CCFN, Niamey (Niger)

- online Alphabet screenings


- Nuit Dance (Nuit Blanche), CCFN, Niamey (Niger) 

- online 3rd BCK Film Symposium

- online NewMediaFest2020 “The 365 Days Diary”

- The Martian Chronicles, Panjika Cafe, Leonidio (Greece)

- online pavillon « available now! » @The Wrong biennale (Brazil)


- online pavillon « available now! » @The Wrong biennale (Brazil)

- Video Raymi, Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA), Cusco (Peru)

- Nuit Blanche off, La Station Gare des Mines, Paris

- 2nd BCK Film Symposium, KINO 28 & MEME gallery , Athens (Greece)

- FILE, Art Gallery of FIESP Cultral Center, Sao Paulo (Brazil)

- Intermediate, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (Texas, USA)

- IVAHM Festival, Museo La Neomudéjar, Madrid (Spain)

- (dé)végétaliser, Chailloux Art Center, Fresnes

- The Hazel Eye Film Festival, Nashville (USA)

- FIVAC (Video Art International Festival), Camagüey, Cuba

- Art and technology, MPAA Brequet, Paris

- MITsp, Sesc Pinheiros and Itaú Cultural, Sao Paulo (Brazil)

- Traverse Vidéo, isdaT School of Fine Arts, Toulouse

- Patio de Salvataje#3, Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires (Argentine)


- Festival International du film expérimental d’Istanbul, Beyoglu Yesilcam Cinema, Istanbul (Turkey)

-  Intermediacones Festival, Center for Fine Arts & Egyptian Palace, Medellín (Colombia)

- Muestra Movimiento Audiovisual, Paseo Chapultepec, Guadalajara (Mexico)

- Les Irrécupérables Festival, La Péniche Cinéma, Paris

- Utopies urbaines, MPAA/Breguet, Paris

- FONLAD Festival, Water Museum, Coimbra (Portugal)

- macparis cahier de printemps, Bastille Design Center, Paris

- Festival Oftalmica, Theatre JJ Herrera, Xalapa Mexico)

- El Club de los Miércoles, Cultural Center Zaguan Sur, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

- aCinema, Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, WI. (USA)

- Artistes Enjardinés, Jardin partagé Truillot, Paris


- macparis cahier d’automne, Bastille Design Center, Paris

- Les Irrécupérables, La Gare Expérimentale, Paris

- Semaine FLOUE, Génie de la Bastille Gallery, Paris

- Open studio of  Ménilmontant/Vents d'anges, Studio of de Polska, Paris

- Le Génie en Liberté, Studio of Polska, Paris

- Festival Images contre nature, Videodrome 2, Marseille

- Ephesus videoart program, Journées de l'Art, Galerie Büyük Efes Sanat, Izmir + International Cukurova Art Days, Galerie d'art Altın Oran, Adana (Turkey)

- eDifferent festival, Woodland pattern Book Center, Milwaukee (Wisconsin-USA)

- web TV visualcontainerTV -HearteartH 2016


- Video Raymi Festival, Casa de la Culture, Cuscu (Peru)

- Espacio Enter, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Canarias (Spain)

- Ephesus videoart program, Pera Museum, Istanbul (Turquey)

- Miami New Media Festival: Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) +Vice City Bean +Miami Theatre Center, (Miami, Florida, USA)

- Ciné Corps 2016, cinema la Clef, Paris

- [.BOX] Videoart Project Space Milano (HearteartH Berlin Milano), Milano (Italia)

- Geumgang Nature Art Biennale, Jemincheon Space, Gongju (Korea)

- Festival x 24, x-church, Gainsborough (UK)

- HearteatH, Medienwerkstatt & Group Global 3000, Berlin (Germany)

- Cinédocs, Jardin des Plantes et de la Nature, Porto Novo (Benin)

- Cinema cycle, Cultura Park, Valparaiso (Chile)

- Semaine FLOUE edition 2, Galerie Génie de la Bastille, Paris

- Ephesus Street video art screening, Station Square, Selçuk (Turkey)

- Parachute Light Zero III, Péniche L’improviste, Paris

- Carvaval of e-Creativity, Shillong (India)


- Péril Jeune Festival, Confluence, Paris

- International dance films Festival, Danscentrumjette, Brussels (Belgium)

- Vents d’anges, Atelier du 7, Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers de Ménilmontant, Paris

- Festival Video Arte nodoCCS, Sala Mendoza, Caracas (Venezuala)

- FILE, Art Gallery SESI-SP, São Paulo (Brazil)

- ArtvideoKoeln–audiovisuel experience 01, TENRI Cultural Centre, Köln (Germany)

- Bang Festival, Elizalde House, Barcelona (Spain)

- Carnaval of e-creativity, Shillong (India)

- Semaine FLOUE, Génie de la Bastille Gallery, Paris

- FILMDEO Index art center, Newark (USA)

- FIVAC, Camagüey (Cuba)

- Parachute Light zero II, Les Nautes, Paris


- Les irrécupérables, Au fond du jardin, Paris

- CologneOFFX, Damen und Herren, Dusseldorf (Germany)

- International festival of video dance, UFSCar, São Carlos (Brazil)

- Images contre Nature, Chartreux Theatre , Marseille

- Ciné-Corps, Odyssée cinema, Strasbourg


- The night of shorts, CND, Pantin

- international festival of video dance, UFSCar, São Carlos (Brasil)

- The Dreams Fabric FAR2013, Le 6b, Saint-Denis +HQAC, îlot Pasteur, Aubervilliers

- International video dance Festival of Burgundy, Cinema Le Morvan, Le Creusot

- Rencontres Publiques Avignon Festival, Benoit XII Theatre, Avignon


- Experimental and different cinema Festival, Les Voûtes, Paris

- International short-films festival of Lille, L'Hybride & Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille

- Uzeste musical Festival, la Menuiserie, Uzeste

- Court-Bouillon, La Peniche Cinéma, Paris

- Ciné-corps, Odyssée cinema, Strasbourg


- BeninDocs, Ouadada cultural center, Porto Novo (Benin)

- Beach Documentary Festival, Kribi (Cameroun)


- Ciné-Corps « Africas », Odyssée cinema, Strasbourg


- Fantasmagories et tensions des corps, le ça, Paris







- TAP Scène Nationale (Poitiers)


- Giraudeau Space (La Rochelle)


- MITsp, Sesc Pinheiros, Sao Paulo (Brésil)


- El Club de los Miércoles, Cultural Center Zaguan Sur, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


- Migrant is my name (work in progress), Micadanses, Paris


- Künstlerhaus Mousontourm, Frankfurt (Germany)

- Spielart Festival, Muffathalle, München (Germany)

- Bestioles, Atelier 7 Mont-Louis, Paris

- La Semaine FLOUE, Génie de la Bastille Gallery, Paris


- Dance Africa Dance Biennial, Soweto Theatre, Johannesburg (South Afrika)

- Wiener Festwochen, Schauspielhaus, Vienna (Austria)

- Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Theatre,Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

- Comédie of Reims, L’Atelier, Reims


- Mantsina Festival, IFC, Brazzaville (Congo)

- Amandiers Theatre, Nanterre

- Actoral festival, La Criée, Marseille

- Francophonies Festival, Limoges


- Dance Africa Dance Biennial, Bamako (Mali)

- Laboratory of acousmatic electro poetry, la Société de curiosités, Paris


- Laboratory of acousmatic electro poetry, la Société de curiosités, Paris


- French cultural center, Brazzaville (Congo)

- French cultural center, Libreville (Gabon)


- Mantsina Festival, SLT Circle, Brazzaville (Congo)

- French cultural center, Brazzaville (Congo)



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© Aliénor Vallet 2017